In spite of the current events limiting many of our typical operations due to the Covid-19 virus, MI Theta is finding ways to adapt to the situation to offer members the best “remote” college experience possible. We are currently working on ways to innovate our member development programs to ensure brothers don’t fall behind in their personal development at this time. We are also actively seeking ways to ensure grades stay high as classes switch to online by switching our Academic Improvement Plan meetings between mentors and mentees over to a face-to-face virtual platform. There are many other steps we are taking, but these are just a few. Amid this hard time, MI Theta is adapting and overcoming to ensure members still cultivate the relationships with each other and develop a culture of support, drive, and accountability to ensure we live out our principals of Virtue, Diligence, and Brotherly Love.
The Red Door Policy is the concept that every SigEp House across the nation has a physical red door and is open to providing any member a place to stay. 6 MI Theta brothers including myself decided to utilize this over spring break and road tripped from Southfield, Michigan to Clearwater, Florida all while stopping at a total of 5 chapter houses and Headquarters in Richmond, VA. The most eye-opening piece of this trip was the willingness for chapters across the nation to show hospitality and Brotherly Love to us during our visit despite not knowing a single one of us. This goes to show that by being in SigEp, you’re not just in a fraternity, but in a nationwide family and you can trust those from just about anywhere. It’s an incredible experience to be a SigEp, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Brothers of MI Theta at SigEp Headquarters in Richmond, VA in front of the Zollinger House
(Left to Right: Robert McQueen, Joshua Andree, Nathan Mark, Ryan Johns, Andres Carmona, Jakob Hoffman)