Q: What did you learn about yourself on this trip?
A: Tragos Quest to Greece taught me an incredible amount about myself. In fact, one of the primary focuses of the trip is to be guided by the Greek Philosophical saying, “Know Thyself.” Thus, the largest thing I learned about myself is how to build more meaningful relationships with those around me. Many of us get focused on personal experiences, but fail to see how we can impact the life of others. I learned the true value of having deep roots with others and how vulnerability can be the catalyst in developing the most impactful and necessary relationships.
Q: What did you learn about SigEp’s roots and founding principles?
A: After the Quest, I realized there is no way to truly experience the roots of SigEp until being in Greece where the foundations of fraternalism, philosophy, and our founding principals originate. I learned that different ideas woven throughout SigEp, such as Sound Mind, Sound Body, Virtue, Diligence, Brotherly Love, and the strive for continuous development, evolve from deep ancient thinkers and writers. These men understood the value of these principals and the impact they can have on our lives. Now it is up to us to not let that go to waste.
Q: How did this trip impact/change your life?
A: I can’t fully answer with words how this Quest has impacted my life. I truly have a deeper value of life itself and understand the impact I can have on others through my relationships. I hold in high regard these relationships more than ever before. My urge to prosper in my career has grown immensely. I deeply seek to be a mentor to those around me. Also, I discovered the roots of why I do the things that I do through some intense activities and by journaling about myself and others. Therefore, I have a clearer vision of my future, including who I want to be, where I want to go, when I want to reach certain goals, and why I do any of these. Tragos Quest to Greece has changed my life.
Q: Why should future members apply to the Tragos Quest to Greece?
A: I could go on forever explaining why someone should apply for Tragos Quest to Greece, but the entirety of it is that Tragos will dramatically change your life just as it has mine.